How my blog coming along?!

Hello everyone!

do you know how I blogged a few days ago about how I’m going to be closing my blog soon?

and I MIGHT get a new blog? WELL…… I’ve found a blogging platform and soon my NEW blog will be up and running HOW EXCITING!!! here are some photos of how my blog is coming along

so as you can tell my blog is called “Mellow Yellow Vintage”! here’s the link

these are the two blog themes I was having a hard time deciding on. the photos below are of my blog buttons that are in the process of being made, but i’m struggling to get the code  so if anyone could PLEASE HELP ME I would absolutely love it!

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Update time!

Hello all the wonderful people who read my blog!                                                                (there’s not many of you,lets’ talk about that later)                                                                     How are you all!?!? I hope your GREAT 😀

I only have 2 things to tell there is a good thing and depending how you look at it a bad/exciting/good thing!

let’s start with the good as I know most people don’t and I like to be different!

1: There is this AWSOME giveaway going on over at Zali’s blog, HERE

where you can win one of these 2, YES to 2 utterly awesome blythe blanket and pillow sets! 

2: the depending how you look at it a bad/exciting/good thing is that I’m closing my blog due to the lack of posts (my bad!) and the lack of vews but if you reading this and thinking NOOOOOOOOOO! I MIGHT start up a new blog soon! it will be a fashion,beauty,DIY,craft and photography a odd mix I know but like I said before i like to be different!

so if there are any good names for my blog please let me know!

xx Mackenzie!

Mt coolum!

hello everyone!

on sunday i climbed a mountain! yes, a mountain! it was super fun

I climbed mount cooulm and I can’t wait to do it again in a week or so!

I took lots of pictures! SO i’d love to show you!

before we climbed at the bottom!

the rocks you had to climb at the top the were steep!

the view from the top!

sitting on top the world!

I hope you enjoyed!

xoxo Mackenzie!



today i’m posting about instagram,

I love instagram it’s an awesome photography app for iPhone and android

and it’s REALLY awesome! if you have insagram follow me @misskenzies !

so here are some of my instagram……..


This is my doggie bailey!footies!Footies!



so those are 3 of my insagram photos!

if you don’t have insagram but would still like to see some more of my photos

just click HERE

thank-you for reading come back soon!

xoxo Mackenzie!

Saturday Markets!

Hello everyone!

I made this video last week when I went to the local farmers market.

I filmed it on my mum’s iPhone using an app called “silent film director”.

It’s was freezing cold (10 degrees) at the market and pouring with rain! It barley had any stalls.

so that is why the video is so short.

I hope you enjoyed the video, it was my first time filming and i really enjoyed it!

xoxo Mackenzie!

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Hi everyone!

this is my new blog i’ll be blogging on here about

my life, photography, blythe dolls and fashion!

i’ll be posting once or twice a week so come back regularly!